Thursday, August 30, 2012

Badman - I Think Nolan Has Some Serious Competition

Collegehumor pumps out some hilarious stuff; but these Batman parody videos are on a level I haven't seen since Troopers.  Check them out!

> Wander On

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Soundtrack Sundays!

This week on, okay, not using that.  Anyway, here's "Vacation's Over" from the Iron Man movie OST!

> Wander On

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Soundtrack Sundays!

From the very pretty, but sadly underwhelming movie Tron Legacy comes "Flynn Lives."

> Wander On

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Borderlands 2 Will Ruin My GPA This Year

I will be a college senior in the next two weeks.  Borderlands 2 comes out September 18th.  My GPA is doomed.  That's hopefully an exaggeration, but HOT DOG I cannot wait to ignore homework with this game!

My roommate and I played a lot of Borderlands last year.  There was nothing better than sitting down after a long day of academics, linking up our Xbox's and feeling all the knowledge we gained that day slowly die as I ran around feeling invincible while my partner surgically removed the heads of our enemies.  We've nearly made it through our second playthrough, and while I'm looking forward to finishing Borderlands again;  I am "talk about every update I see" excited about Borderlands 2.  There will be more guns, a coherent story-line and quality character development, more guns, lots of spoken dialogue,  more guns, lots of gun part variation and character customization, more guns, Pandora isn't the color of a sewage pipe (most of the time), and MOAR GUNZ!

Guns and dubstep, can life get better?

...apparently so.  The Lion King 3 - Suck It Simba!

Witty, sarcastic, awesome main villain?  Check.  Desire to shoot him in his bolt-on face?  Check.

> Wander On

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Soundtrack Sundays!

This week we have "In Case of Trouble" from the Bastion video game soundtrack!

> Wander On

Friday, August 10, 2012

Curiosity is a Bond Villain

Twitter is generally Facebook status updates; just more annoying.  Occasionally though, a light shines through the darkness.  And then get's depressed because all it has to look at are dumb rocks.  Enter @SarcasticRover.  These are my favorite from the first few days, looking forward to more as Curiosity updates it's flickr and begins it's trek to more rocks!

Good luck up there buddy, do a science for us all!

> Wander On

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Soundtrack Sundays!

This week we have "Test Drive" from How to Train Your Dragon.  Pump your speakers and enjoy!

> Wander On

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Treasure Planet Meets World War II

I don't really watch anime.  I have a friend who has insisted on watching this series or that, but ever since I grew out of the englishified Naruto nothing's really caught my attention.  Except this magnificent 16 foot long badass space destroyer model.

It's called the "Yamato", which I think should translate to:  "How you like us now America?!"

Turn airplanes into spaceships?  Sure, we could do it the easy way.  Or...

Poor thing has a bad case of Super Star Destroyer Syndrome.

The 1/350 model is from the upcoming anime reboot Yamato 2199.  I won't watch the show, but will lust after this perfect desk-leveling ornament regardless.

> Wander On